Messages & Announcements

  • 2015-02-24:  HCC Crane Downtime Planned - February 24, 2015
    Category:  Maintenance

    This outage for software maintenance and network re-cabling affects Crane only.

    Jobs which cannot complete before February 24th at 9:00am will be held in queue until the maintenance is complete. We anticipate this work will be finished by 6:00pm the same day.

    To minimize the impact to running jobs we are declaring a downtime for Crane to complete this work. We will use this maintenance window to update various software components across the cluster. We will also be doing some re-cabling and adding network switches to the cluster. The Crane login node will also be updated and will require users to log off. Users will be denied access to the Crane login node until the maintenance is completed.

  • 2015-01-17:  Power restored, tests continue
    Category:  Maintenance

    Power was lost to the Schorr machine room today during the afternoon. Power was restored to Schorr late this afternoon and systems brought back up. While tests continue, Sandhills is back online. Jobs should be checked for current status. Please notify if you notice any issues.

  • 2014-12-23:  Crane/Tusker unplanned downtime finished
    Category:  Maintenance

    Crane and Tusker are back online. Jobs have been restarted. Kernel upgrades are complete across these systems. Users are asked to check their jobs; we are sorry for this inconvenience.

  • 2014-12-22:  Unplanned necessary maintenance
    Category:  Maintenance

    Dear HCC community,

    A recently announced security vulnerability has required immediate action on all HCC machines. In the cases of Crane and Tusker an immediate upgrade of the kernel and associated reboot was necessary. This unfortunately required running jobs to be forcibly halted. We have re-queued these jobs and they will be restarted (from the beginning) automatically. Please let us know if you notice any issues — we will be answering tickets as thoroughly and quickly as possible throughout the University shutdown.

    In spite of this unplanned reboot, I hope you have a happy holiday —


    David R. Swanson, Director
    Holland Computing Center

  • 2014-10-13:  short RAM survey
    Category:  General Announcement

    Dear HCC user community,

    We need to make a decisions for a near-term purchase at HCC. One of the parameters that significantly impacts cost is the total amount of RAM per node. To help us with this decision, please fill out the 4-question survey located here:

    We will gladly share results with those who ask, but will not broadcast them.

    Best regards,
    David Swanson