Messages & Announcements

  • 2015-04-16:  OSG Summer School, July 27-31
    Category:  General Announcement


    If you could access thousands, maybe millions of hours of computing, how
    would it transform your research? What discoveries might you make?

    We are looking for students to apply for and attend the Open Science Grid
    (OSG) User School 2015, where they will learn to use high throughput
    computing (HTC) to harness vast amounts of computing power for research.
    The School takes place 27-31 July at the beautiful University of Wisconsin
    in Madison.

    Using lectures, discussions, roleplays, and lots of hands-on work with OSG
    experts in HTC, students will learn how HTC systems work, how to run and
    manage many jobs and huge datasets to implement a full scientific computing
    workflow, and where to turn for help and more info.

    Worried about costs? Successful applicants will get financial support to
    attend the OSG School, covering all basic travel, hotel, and food costs.
    This is a great deal!

    Ideal candidates are science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
    (STEM) graduate students whose research demands large-scale computing.
    Also, we will consider applications from post-doctoral students, faculty,
    staff, and advanced undergraduates, so make a good case for yourself!


    Application Period - OPEN NOW: 1 April - 1 May 2015
    OSG User School: 27-31 July 2015



  • 2015-03-23:  Crane/Tusker: Maintenance complete
    Category:  General Announcement

    Maintenance is complete on Crane and Tusker. Please let us know of any troubles using the cluster by sending email to

    Maintenance is complete on Crane and Tusker. Please let us know of any troubles using the cluster by sending email to

  • 2015-03-16:  Crane/Tusker planned downtime March 23, 2015
    Category:  Maintenance

    This notice is for both Crane and Tusker.

    Jobs which cannot complete before March 23th at 9:00am will be held in queue until the maintenance is complete. We anticipate this work will be finished before 12:00pm the same day. This downtime is to apply security updates to the operating system which were released after the most recent downtime for these clusters.

    To minimize the impact to running jobs we are declaring a downtime for Crane and Tusker to complete this work. We will use this maintenance window to apply security updates to various software components across the clusters. The login node for both Crane and Tusker will be updated also and will require users to log off. Users will be denied access to the login nodes until the maintenance is completed.

  • 2015-03-09:  Tusker scheduling issue
    Category:  General Announcement

    This notice is for Tusker only.
    A patch to the SLURM resource manager was applied this morning to fix a CPU affinity issue that impacted MPI job performance.

    A patch to the SLURM resource manager was applied this morning to fix a CPU affinity issue that impacted MPI job performance. Jobs which were running at the time were canceled to push through the update. This was an unfortunate but necessary step to resolve the CPU affinity issue and to open Tusker for full use again in the shortest amount of time. Please let us know of any troubles using the cluster by sending email to

  • 2015-03-04:  Tusker scheduling issue
    Category:  General Announcement

    A significant issue with the SLURM scheduler that controls job deployment on Tusker has been identified and is being debugged. This issue does not affect Crane or Sandhills. All parallel jobs (in particular MPI) will currently run in roughly twice the time they did previously due to this issue. Serial jobs will show some performance issues but to a much lesser degree. We will update you asap once a solution is found. Tusker will remain open in the mean time.

    The system reservation has been moved to 8am, March 9th. We will apply a patch to the system at that time to resolve the SLURM scheduler issue. Jobs that have not finished by that time will be cancelled.